What are the closest towns?
Frio River- Concan-6.7 mi, Leakey -14-mi, Utopia-17 mi, Uvalde- 29 mi
POC- Seadrift-16 mi, Port Lavaca- 22 mi, Victoria- 45 mi
Can I book more than one property together? Yes, you can book one or all properties when available
Do we allow pets to be on the property? Not Currently
Are there outdoor grills on site? Yes, there are grills at each house
Can you fish on property? Yes, You may fish as long as properly licensed
Can you float the river? Yes, closest drop point is Magers Crossing 0.7 mi, allows for a 2-3hr float back to El Zocalo Property
Do you provide tubes to float with for the River Rentals? No, Currently we do not; Tubes & Kayaks can be rented across the street at Star Rentals
Can we make a campfire? Yes, designated spots are made for campfires